Дживс и Вустер DVD
специализированный магазин лицензионного сериала Дживс и Вустер, а также редких и коллекционных DVD.


Сериал Дживс и Вустер DVD
классическая английская комедия по романам П.Г.Вудхауза



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- This is one of the most shameful cases ever to come before this bench.
- I was sent by the agency, sir. I was given to understand that you required a valet.
Very good, sir.
- Really, look here…
- She will mould you.
- I don`t want to be moulded. I am not a jelly.
- And that is a matter of opinion.
- Oh, but he must have been hurt?
- Barmy? No. Just a couple of bruises.
- I think that my wife was referring to the policeman.
- No, no, no, no. Don`t believe it. No. They enjoy it. Like foxes.
- I’ve had rather a stunning idea, Jeeves.
- Indeed, sir?
- What`s the matter, Jeeves?
- I couldn`t advise it, sir.
- Couldn`t advise it? What do you mean – couldn`t advise it?
- It`s just my opinion, sir, but your plan has too many imponderables.
- No, no, only Oswald is going to be imponderable. Im-pond-erable.
- When you`ve been a little longer in my employ you will come on to understand that all my chums rely heavily on your employer`s wisdom and knowledge of human nature in the conduct of their affaires.
- Just as you say, sir.
- Not to mention my organizational powers and just plain ... finesse.
- Do you work, mister Wooster?
- What, work as in honest toil, you mean?
- Yes.
- Hewing the wood and drawing the old wet stuff and so forth?
- Quite.
- Well, I`ve known a few people who worked. I absolutely swear by some of them.
- How would you ever support a wife, mister Wooster?
- Well, it depends on whose wife it was. I'd say, a gentle pressure beneath the left elbow when crossing a busy street normally fills the bill.
- That is precisely the sort of idiotic remark, that would be calculated to arouse sir Roderick`s strongest suspicions.
- Will that be all, sir?
- Yes. Thank you Jeeves. Yes.




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